• Athlon Inclusive Recruitment process

    At Athlon, we are committed to creating an inclusive and diverse workplace that reflects the communities we serve. We believe that diversity strengthens our organization and makes us more effective in achieving our goals. To achieve this, we are committed to ensuring that our recruitment and selection processes are inclusive and bias-free.

Our recruitment and selection processes

Job intake

  • During the job intake, we create awareness regarding unconscious bias and offer the hiring manager a training regarding this topic. 

Advertising job vacancies

  • We advertise all job vacancies through a variety of channels to reach a diverse pool of candidates, including online job boards, social media platforms, and community networks.
  • We use language and imagery that reflects our commitment to diversity and inclusion in our job advertisements.
  • All our positions are graded and we share the salary band in our vacancy text. 

Application and selection process

  • We use objective and job-related criteria to assess candidates' skills, qualifications, and experience. All candidates are offered an online assessment that tests the required competences for the role.
  • We avoid asking questions that could lead to discrimination or bias, such as questions related to age, race, gender, religion, or disability, during the application and selection process.
  • We offer reasonable accommodations to candidates with disabilities to ensure they can participate fully in the recruitment and selection process.
  • We ensure that all interviewers and assessors receive training on diversity and inclusion to avoid unconscious bias and discrimination during the selection process.

Interview and offer stage

  • We ensure that all candidates receive equal and fair treatment during the interview process.
  • We avoid making assumptions or decisions based on personal characteristics such as age, race, gender, religion, or disability.
  • We offer the job to the most suitable candidate based on their skills, qualifications and experience.

Monitoring and evaluation

  • We regularly monitor our recruitment and selection processes to ensure they are inclusive and bias-free.
  • We collect data on the diversity of our applicant pool and workforce to assess the effectiveness of our recruitment efforts and identify areas for improvement.
  • We will use this data to form our recruitment strategies and ensure that we are attracting and retaining a diverse workforce.
  • All our candidates receive a survey after having an interview to share their experience with us and provide feedback so we can learn and develop an even greater candidate experience.


  • All employees involved in the recruitment and selection process are expected to adhere to this policy. The recruitment department oversee the implementation of this policy and provide training and support to employees involved in recruitment and selection.
  • This policy is reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure its continued effectiveness in promoting diversity and inclusion in our recruitment processes.
  • We have our own DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) recruitment statement, which is also published on our career page.

PSO Certification

  • We have achieved the “Aspirant status” on the Performance Ladder Social Entrepreneurship (PSO).
  • The PSO is a scientifically supported quality mark from TNO. It is an instrument that provides insight into the extent to which organizations engage in more than average social entrepreneurship, focusing on the labor market participation of vulnerable groups. With this PSO certification, we demonstrably contribute to a society where everyone participates.

Partnerships with social organizations

  • We collaborate with organizations dedicated to the integration of individuals with a distance from the labor market to tap into a broader pool of talent.

We are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. This is one of the many steps we are taking to achieve this goal.


*Disclaimer: The information provided in this document may vary per Athlon entity due to legal requirements, regulations, and other factors.

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